
Web page for IU Compiler Course for Fall 2020

View the Project on GitHub IUCompilerCourse/IU-P423-P523-E313-E513-Fall-2020

Register Allocation

Main ideas:

Registers and Calling Conventions

Running Example

(let ([v 1])
  (let ([w 42])
    (let ([x (+ v 7)])
      (let ([y x])
        (let ([z (+ x w)])
          (+ z (- y)))))))

After instruction selection:

locals: v w x y z t
    movq $1, v
    movq $42, w
    movq v, x
    addq $7, x
    movq x, y
    movq x, z
    addq w, z
    movq y, t
    negq t
    movq z, %rax
    addq t, %rax
    jmp conclusion

Liveness Analysis

Goal: figure out the program regions where a variable is in use.

Def. A variable is live at a program point if the value in the variable is used at some later point in the program.

The following equations compute the live before/after sets for each instruction. The instructions of the program are numbered 1 to n.

L_after(k) = L_before(k + 1)
L_after(n) = {}

L_before(k) = (L_after(k) - W(k)) U R(k)

Here’s the program with the live-after set next to each instruction. Compute them from bottom to top.

movq $1, v
movq $42, w
movq v, x
addq $7, x
movq x, y
movq x, z
addq w, z
movq y, t
negq t
movq z, %rax
addq t, %rax
jmp conclusion

Build the Interference Graph

Def. An interference graph is an undirected graph whose vertices represent variables and whose edges represent conflicts, i.e., when two vertices are live at the same time.

A naive approach: inspect each live-after set, and add an edge between every pair of variables.

Down sides:

The better approach focuses on writes: it creates an edge between the variable being written-to by the current instruction and all the other live variables. (One should not create self edges.) For a call instruction, all caller-save register must be considered as written-to. For the move instruction, we skip adding an edge between a live variable and the destination variable if the live variable matches the source of the move, as per point 2 above. So we have the followng three rules.

  1. For an arithmetic instructions, such as (addq s d) for each v in L_after, if v != d then add edge (d,v)

  2. For a call instruction (callq label), for each v in L_after, for each r in caller-save registers if r != v then add edge (r,v)

  3. For a move instruction (movq s d), for each v in L_after, if v != d and v != s then add edge (d,v)

Let us walk through the running example, proceeding top to bottom, apply the three rules to build the interference graph.

movq $1, v                    rule 3: no interference (v=v)
movq $42, w                   rule 3: edge w-v
movq v, x                     rule 3: edge x-w
addq $7, x                    rule 1: edge x-w (dup.)
movq x, y                     rule 3: edge y-w, no edge y-x
movq x, z                     rule 3: edge z-w, edge z-y
addq w, z                     rule 1: edge z-y (dup.)
movq y, t                     rule 3: edge t-z
negq t.1                      rule 1: edge t-z (dup)
movq z, %rax                  rule 2: but ignore rax
addq t, $rax                  rule 1: but ignore rax
jmp conclusion

So the interference graph looks as follows:

t ---- z      x
       |\___  |
	   |    \ |
	   |     \|
	   y ---- w ---- v