
Web page for IU Compiler Course for Fall 2020

View the Project on GitHub IUCompilerCourse/IU-P423-P523-E313-E513-Fall-2020

Compiling Functions, Example Translations

Example 1

source program:

(define (add  [x : Integer] [y : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ x y))

(add 40 2)

after shrink:

(define (add  [x : Integer] [y : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ x y))

(define (main) : Integer
    (add 40 2))

after uniquify:

(define (add10705  [x10706 : Integer] [y10707 : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ x10706 y10707))
(define (main) : Integer
    (add10705 40 2))

after reveal-functions:

(define (add10705  [x10706 : Integer] [y10707 : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ x10706 y10707))
(define (main ) : Integer
   ((fun-ref add10705) 40 2))

after limit-functions

(define (add10705  [x10706 : Integer] [y10707 : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ x10706 y10707))
(define (main) : Integer
   ((fun-ref add10705) 40 2))

skipping expose allocation

after remove-complex-opera*

(define (add10705  [x10706 : Integer] [y10707 : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ x10706 y10707))
(define (main) : Integer
   (let ([tmp10708 (fun-ref add10705)])
     (tmp10708 40 2)))

after explicate-control

(define (add10705  [x10706 : Integer] [y10707 : Integer]) : Integer
      return (+ x10706 y10707);
(define (main) : Integer
       tmp10708 = (fun-ref add10705);
       (tmp10708 40 2)

skipping optimize-jumps

skipping uncover-locals

after instruction selection

(define (add10705) : _
      movq %rcx, x10706
      movq %rdx, y10707
      movq x10706, %rax
      addq y10707, %rax
      jmp add10705conclusion
(define (main ) : _
       leaq (fun-ref add10705), tmp10708
       movq $40, %rcx
       movq $2, %rdx
       tailjmp tmp10708

skipping remove-jumps

skipping uncover-live, build-interference

after allocate-registers

(define (add10705 ) : _
      movq %rcx, %rsi
      movq %rdx, %rcx
      movq %rsi, %rax
      addq %rcx, %rax
      jmp add10705conclusion
(define (main) : _
       leaq (fun-ref add10705), %rsi
       movq $40, %rcx
       movq $2, %rdx
       tailjmp %rsi

after patch instructions

(define (add10705 ) : _
      movq %rcx, %rsi
      movq %rdx, %rcx
      movq %rsi, %rax
      addq %rcx, %rax
      jmp add10705conclusion
(define (main ) : _
       leaq (fun-ref add10705), %rsi
       movq $40, %rcx
       movq $2, %rdx
       movq %rsi, %rax
       tailjmp %rax

after print-x86

    .globl _add10709
    .align 16
    pushq	%rbp
    movq	%rsp, %rbp
    jmp	_add10709start
    movq	%rcx, %rsi
    movq	%rdx, %rcx
    movq	%rsi, %rax
    addq	%rcx, %rax
    jmp _add10709conclusion
    popq	%rbp
    .globl _main
    .align 16
    pushq	%rbp
    movq	%rsp, %rbp
    movq	$16384, %rdi
    movq	$16, %rsi
    callq	_initialize
    movq	_rootstack_begin(%rip), %r15
    jmp	_mainstart
    leaq	_add10709(%rip), %rsi
    movq	$40, %rcx
    movq	$2, %rdx
    movq	%rsi, %rax
    popq	%rbp
    jmp	*%rax
    popq	%rbp

Example 2

source program:

(define (m [a : Integer] [b : Integer] [c : Integer] [d : Integer]
           [e : Integer] [f : Integer] [g : Integer] [h : Integer]
           [i : Integer]) : Integer

(m 777 776 775 774 773 772 771 770 42)

skipping shrink

after uniquify:

(define (m4 [a5 : Integer] [b6 : Integer] [c7 : Integer] 
            [d8 : Integer] 
            [e9 : Integer] [f10 : Integer] [g11 : Integer] 
            [h12 : Integer] [i13 : Integer]) : Integer
(define (main) : Integer
   (m4 777 776 775 774 773 772 771 770 42))

after reveal-functions:

(define (m4 [a5 : Integer] [b6 : Integer] [c7 : Integer] 
            [d8 : Integer]
            [e9 : Integer] 
            [f10 : Integer] [g11 : Integer] 
            [h12 : Integer] [i13 : Integer]) : Integer
(define (main) : Integer
   ((fun-ref m4)                              *****
    777 776 775 774 773 772 771 770 42))

after limit-functions:

(define (m4 [a5 : Integer] [b6 : Integer] [c7 : Integer] 
            [d8 : Integer] 
            [e9 : Integer] 
            [vec14 : (Vector Integer Integer Integer Integer)]   *****
            ) : Integer
   (vector-ref vec14 3))                   *****
(define (main) : Integer
   ((fun-ref m4) 777 776 775 774 773
    (vector 772 771 770 42)))              *****

after expose allocation:

(define (m4 [a5 : Integer] [b6 : Integer] [c7 : Integer] [d8 : Integer] 
            [e9 : Integer]
            [vec14 : (Vector Integer Integer Integer Integer)]) : Integer
   (vector-ref vec14 3))
(define (main) : Integer
    ((fun-ref m4) 777 776 775 774 773
      (let ([vecinit16 772])             *****
      (let ([vecinit17 771])
      (let ([vecinit18 770])
      (let ([vecinit19 42])
      (let ([collectret24 (if (< (+ (global-value free_ptr) 40) 
                                 (global-value fromspace_end))
                              (collect 40))])
      (let ([alloc15 (allocate 4 (Vector Integer Integer Integer Integer))])
      (let ([initret23 (vector-set! alloc15 0 vecinit16)])
      (let ([initret22 (vector-set! alloc15 1 vecinit17)])
      (let ([initret21 (vector-set! alloc15 2 vecinit18)])
      (let ([initret20 (vector-set! alloc15 3 vecinit19)])

skipping remove-complex-opera*

after explicate-control:

(define (m4 [a5 : Integer] [b6 : Integer] [c7 : Integer] [d8 : Integer] 
            [e9 : Integer]
            [vec14 : (Vector Integer Integer Integer Integer)]) : Integer
      return (vector-ref vec14 3);

(define (main) : Integer
       (collect 40)
       goto block29;
       collectret24 = (void);
       goto block29;
       alloc15 = (allocate 4 (Vector Integer Integer Integer Integer));
       initret23 = (vector-set! alloc15 0 vecinit16);
       initret22 = (vector-set! alloc15 1 vecinit17);
       initret21 = (vector-set! alloc15 2 vecinit18);
       initret20 = (vector-set! alloc15 3 vecinit19);
       (tail-call tmp25 777 776 775 774 773 alloc15)             *****
       tmp25 = (fun-ref m4);           ***** (thanks to RCO)
       vecinit16 = 772;
       vecinit17 = 771;
       vecinit18 = 770;
       vecinit19 = 42;
       tmp26 = (global-value free_ptr);
       tmp27 = (+ tmp26 40);
       tmp28 = (global-value fromspace_end);
       if (< tmp27 tmp28)
          goto block30;
          goto block31;

skipping uncover-locals

after instruction selection:

(define (m4) : _
      movq %rcx, a5                       *****
      movq %rdx, b6                       *****
      movq %rdi, c7                       *****
      movq %rsi, d8                       *****
      movq %r8, e9                        *****
      movq %r9, vec14                     *****
      movq vec14, %r11
      movq 32(%r11), %rax
      jmp m4conclusion
(define (main) : _
       movq %r15, %rdi
       movq $40, %rsi
       callq collect
       jmp block29

       movq $0, collectret24
       jmp block29

       movq free_ptr(%rip), alloc15
       addq $40, free_ptr(%rip)
       movq alloc15, %r11
       movq $9, 0(%r11)
       movq alloc15, %r11
       movq vecinit16, 8(%r11)
       movq $0, initret23
       movq alloc15, %r11
       movq vecinit17, 16(%r11)
       movq $0, initret22
       movq alloc15, %r11
       movq vecinit18, 24(%r11)
       movq $0, initret21
       movq alloc15, %r11
       movq vecinit19, 32(%r11)
       movq $0, initret20
       movq $777, %rcx                              *****
       movq $776, %rdx                              *****
       movq $775, %rdi                              *****
       movq $774, %rsi                              *****
       movq $773, %r8                               *****
       movq alloc15, %r9                            *****
       tailjmp tmp25                                *****

       leaq (fun-ref m4), tmp25                     *****
       movq $772, vecinit16
       movq $771, vecinit17
       movq $770, vecinit18
       movq $42, vecinit19
       movq free_ptr(%rip), tmp26
       movq tmp26, tmp27
       addq $40, tmp27
       movq fromspace_end(%rip), tmp28
       cmpq tmp28, tmp27
       jl block30
       jmp block31

skipping allocate-registers

after patch instructions:

(define (m4) : _
      movq %rcx, %r10
      movq %rdx, %rcx
      movq %rdi, %rcx
      movq %rsi, %rcx
      movq %r8, %rcx
      movq %r9, %rcx
      movq %rcx, %r11
      movq 32(%r11), %rax
      jmp m4conclusion
(define (main) : _
       movq $0, %rcx
       jmp block29

       movq free_ptr(%rip), %r9
       addq $40, free_ptr(%rip)
       movq %r9, %r11
       movq $9, 0(%r11)
       movq %r9, %r11
       movq %r13, 8(%r11)
       movq $0, %rcx
       movq %r9, %r11
       movq %r14, 16(%r11)
       movq $0, %rcx
       movq %r9, %r11
       movq -40(%rbp), %rax
       movq %rax, 24(%r11)
       movq $0, %rcx
       movq %r9, %r11
       movq %rbx, 32(%r11)
       movq $0, %rcx
       movq $777, %rcx
       movq $776, %rdx
       movq $775, %rdi
       movq $774, %rsi
       movq $773, %r8
       movq %r12, %rax                  *****
       tailjmp %rax                     *****

       leaq (fun-ref m4), %r12
       movq $772, %r13
       movq $771, %r14
       movq $770, -40(%rbp)
       movq $42, %rbx
       movq free_ptr(%rip), %rdx
       addq $40, %rdx
       movq fromspace_end(%rip), %rcx
       cmpq %rcx, %rdx
       jl block30
       movq %r15, %rdi
       movq $40, %rsi
       callq collect
       jmp block29

after print x86

    movq	%rcx, %r10
    movq	%rdx, %rcx
    movq	%rdi, %rcx
    movq	%rsi, %rcx
    movq	%r8, %rcx
    movq	%r9, %rcx
    movq	%rcx, %r11
    movq	32(%r11), %rax
    jmp _m4conclusion

    .globl _m4
    .align 16
    pushq	%rbp
    movq	%rsp, %rbp
    jmp	_m4start

    popq	%rbp
    movq	$0, %rcx
    jmp _block29
    movq	_free_ptr(%rip), %r9
    addq	$40, _free_ptr(%rip)
    movq	%r9, %r11
    movq	$9, 0(%r11)
    movq	%r9, %r11
    movq	%rbx, 8(%r11)
    movq	$0, %rcx
    movq	%r9, %r11
    movq	%r13, 16(%r11)
    movq	$0, %rcx
    movq	%r9, %r11
    movq	%r14, 24(%r11)
    movq	$0, %rcx
    movq	%r9, %r11
    movq	-40(%rbp), %rax
    movq	%rax, 32(%r11)
    movq	$0, %rcx
    movq	$777, %rcx
    movq	$776, %rdx
    movq	$775, %rdi
    movq	$774, %rsi
    movq	$773, %r8
    movq	%r12, %rax
    addq	$16, %rsp                  ***** conclusion of main
    popq	%r14                       *****
    popq	%rbx                       *****
    popq	%r12                       *****
    popq	%r13                       *****
    popq	%rbp                       *****
    jmp	*%rax                          *****
    leaq	_m4(%rip), %r12            *****
    movq	$772, %rbx
    movq	$771, %r13
    movq	$770, %r14
    movq	$42, -40(%rbp)
    movq	_free_ptr(%rip), %rdx
    addq	$40, %rdx
    movq	_fromspace_end(%rip), %rcx
    cmpq	%rcx, %rdx
    jl _block30
    movq	%r15, %rdi
    movq	$40, %rsi
    callq	_collect
    jmp _block29

    .globl _main
    .align 16
    pushq	%rbp
    movq	%rsp, %rbp
    pushq	%r13
    pushq	%r12
    pushq	%rbx
    pushq	%r14
    subq	$16, %rsp
    movq	$16384, %rdi
    movq	$16, %rsi
    callq	_initialize
    movq	_rootstack_begin(%rip), %r15
    jmp	_mainstart

    addq	$16, %rsp
    popq	%r14
    popq	%rbx
    popq	%r12
    popq	%r13
    popq	%rbp

Lambda: Lexically Scoped Functions


(define (f [x : Integer]) : (Integer -> Integer)
   (let ([y 4])
      (lambda: ([z : Integer]) : Integer
         (+ x (+ y z)))))

(let ([g (f 5)])
  (let ([h (f 3)])
    (+ (g 11) (h 15))))


concrete syntax:

exp ::= ... | (lambda: ([var : type]...) : type exp)
R5 ::= def* exp

abstract syntax:

exp ::= ... | (Lambda ([var : type]...) type exp)
R5 ::= (ProgramDefsExp info def* exp)

(Let var exp exp)