
Web page for IU Compiler Course for Fall 2020

View the Project on GitHub IUCompilerCourse/IU-P423-P523-E313-E513-Fall-2020

Compiling Functions, the Passes

Type Check

Go over the figure in the book.


(ProgramDefsExp info defs exp)
(ProgramDefs info (append defs (list mainDef)))

where mainDef is

(Def 'main '() 'Integer '() exp')

Reveal Functions (new)

We’ll need to generate leaq instructions for references to functions, so it makes sense to differentiate them from let-bound variables.

(Var x)
(Var x)

(Var f)
(FunRef f)

(Let x (Bool #t)
  (Apply (If (Var x) (Var 'add1) (Var 'sub1)) 
         (Int 41)))
(Let x (Bool #t)
  (Apply (If (Var x) (FunRef 'add1) (FunRef 'sub1)) 
         (Int 41)))

Limit Functions (new)

Transform functions so that have at most 6 parameters.

Function definition

(Def f ([x1 : t1] ... [xn : tn]) rt info body)
(Def f ([x1 : t1] ... [x5 : t5] [vec : (Vector t6 ... tn)]) rt info

and transform the body, replace occurences of parameters x6 and higher as follows

(vector-ref vec 0)

(vector-ref vec 1)


Function application

If there are more than 6 arguments, pass arguments 6 and higher in a vector:

(Apply e0 (e1 ... en))
(Apply e0 (e1 ... e5 (vector e6 ... en)))

Remove Complex Operands

Treat FunRef and Apply as complex operands.

(Prim '+ (list (Int 5) (FunRef add1)))
(Let ([tmp (FunRef add1)])
  (Prim '+ (list (Int 5) (Var tmp))))

Arguments of Apply need to be atomic expressions.

Explicate Control

Add cases for FunRef and Apply to the three helper functions for assignment, tail, and predicate contexts.

In assignment and predicate contexts, Apply becomes Call.

In tail contexts, Apply becomes TailCall.

You’ll need a new helper function for function definitions. The code will be similar to the previous code for Program

Previous assignment:

(define/override (explicate-control p)
  (match p
    [(Program info body)
     (set! control-flow-graph '())
     (define-values (body-block vars) (explicate-tail body))
     (define new-info (dict-set info 'locals vars))
     (Program new-info
              (CFG (dict-set control-flow-graph 'start body-block)))]

adapt the above to process every function definition.

Uncover Locals

Add a case for TailCall to the helper for tail contexts.

Create a new helper function for function definitions. Again, it will be similar to the previous code for Program.

Select Instructions

FunRef becomes leaq

We’ll keep FunRef as an instruction argument for now, placing it in a leaq instruction.

(Assign lhs (FunRef f))
(Instr 'leaq (list (FunRef f) lhs'))

Call becomes IndirectCallq

(Assign lhs (Call fun (arg1 ... argn)))
movq arg'1 rdi
movq arg'2 rsi
(IndirectCallq fun')
(Instr 'movq (Reg 'rax) lhs')

TailCall becomes TailJmp

We postpone the work of popping the frame until later by inventing an instruction we’ll call TailJmp.

(TailCall fun (arg1 ... argn))
movq arg'1 rdi
movq arg'2 rsi
(TailJmp fun')

Function Definitions

(Def f ([x1 : T1] ... [xn : Tn]) rt info CFG)
   1. CFG => CFG'
   2. prepend to start block from CFG'
       movq rdi x1
   4. parameters get added to the list of local variables
(Def f '() '() new-info new-CFG)

alternative: replace parameters (in the CFG) with argument registers

Uncover Live

New helper function for function definitions.

leaq reads from the first argument and writes to the second.

IndirectCallq and TailJmp read from their argument and you must assume they write to all the caller-saved registers.

Build Interference Graph

New helper function for function definitions.

Compute one interference graph per function.

Spill vector-typed variables that are live during a function call. (Because our functions make trigger collect.) So add interference edges between those variables and the callee-saved registers.

Patch Instructions

The destination of leaq must be a register.

The destination of TailJmp should be rax.

(TailJmp %rbx)
movq %rbx, %rax
(TailJmp rax)
(FunRef label) => label(%rip)

(IndirectCallq arg) => callq *arg

(TailJmp rax)
addq frame-size, %rsp         move stack pointer up
popq %rbx                     callee-saved registers
subq root-frame-size, %r15    move root-stack pointer
popq %rbp                     restore rbp
jmp *%rax                     jump to the target function