
Web page for IU Compiler Course for Fall 2020

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Review for Final Exam: Functions & Lambda

We reviewed lambda last time, so today we’ll review functions.

Hypothetical alternative language with 2nd-class functions

exp ::= ... | (Apply var exp...)
def ::= (Def var ([var : type] ...) type '() exp)
R4-2nd ::= (ProgramDefsExp '() (def ...) exp)

Functions (R4)


type ::= ... | (type... -> type)
exp ::= ... | (Apply exp exp...)
def ::= (Def var ([var : type] ...) type '() exp)
R4 ::= (ProgramDefsExp '() (def ...) exp)

In R4, functions are first class values which means they can be stored in vectors, passed as arguments to other functions, etc.

Functions in R4 are not lexically scoped, that is, the body of a function cannot refer to a (non-global) variable defined outside the function. To reinforce this point, the syntax of R4 only allows function definitions at the top level, and not nested inside expressions.


(define (add1 [y : Integer]) : Integer
  (+ 1 y))

(define (twice [f : (Integer -> Integer)] [x : Integer]) : Integer
  (+ (f x) (f x)))

(twice add1 (read))

Functions (x86)

A function is an address, i.e., the address of the first instruction in the function’s code.

We obtain the address of a function by using PC-relative addressing on the label for the function.

leaq	_twice65(%rip), %rcx

We call a function using the callq instruction with a * followed by a register that is holding the address of the function.

callq	*%rcx

Calling conventions:


    .globl _add64
    .align 16
    pushq	%rbp
    movq	%rsp, %rbp
    jmp	_add64start
    movq	$1, %rax
    addq	%rdi, %rax
    jmp _add164conclusion
    popq	%rbp
    .globl _twice65
    .align 16
    pushq	%rbp
    movq	%rsp, %rbp
    pushq	%r13               *** callee saved registers
    pushq	%r12
    pushq	%rbx
    subq	$8, %rsp           *** why this? 
                               *** odd # of callee-saved
    jmp	_twice65start
    movq	%rdi, %rbx
    movq	%rsi, %r12
    movq	%r12, %rdi
    callq	*%rbx             *** call to f
    movq	%rax, %r13
    movq	%r12, %rdi
    callq	*%rbx             *** call to f
    movq	%rax, %rcx
    movq	%r13, %rax
    addq	%rcx, %rax
    jmp _twice65conclusion
    addq	$8, %rsp
    popq	%rbx              *** callee saved registers
    popq	%r12
    popq	%r13
    popq	%rbp

    .globl _main
    .align 16
    pushq	%rbp
    movq	%rsp, %rbp
    pushq	%r12
    pushq	%rbx
    movq	$65536, %rdi
    movq	$65536, %rsi
    callq	_initialize
    movq	_rootstack_begin(%rip), %r15
    jmp	_mainstart
    leaq	_twice65(%rip), %rbx
    leaq	_add164(%rip), %r12
    callq	_read_int
    movq	%rax, %rsi               *** tail call to twice
    movq	%r12, %rdi
    movq	%rbx, %rax
    popq	%rbx
    popq	%r12
    popq	%rbp
    jmp	*%rax
    popq	%rbx
    popq	%r12
    popq	%rbp

Reveal Functions

Differentiate between function names and let-bound variables.

(define (add147 [y49 : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ 1 y49)

(define (twice48 [f50 : (Integer -> Integer)] 
     [x51 : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ (f50 x51) (f50 x51))

(define (main) : Integer
   ((fun-ref twice48) (fun-ref add147) (read))

Limit Functions

Limit functions to 6 parameters. Use vectors for the extra ones.

Remove Complex Operands

FunRef and Apply are complex. Arguments of Apply are atomic.

(define (add147 [y49 : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ 1 y49))

(define (twice48 [f50 : (Integer -> Integer)] 
                 [x51 : Integer]) : Integer
   (let ([tmp52 (f50 x51)])
      (let ([tmp53 (f50 x51)])
         (+ tmp52 tmp53))))

(define (main) : Integer
   (let ([tmp54 (fun-ref twice48)])
      (let ([tmp55 (fun-ref add147)])
         (let ([tmp56 (read)])
            (tmp54 tmp55 tmp56)))))

Explicate Control

Differentiate between calls and tail calls.

(define (add147 [y49 : Integer]) : Integer
      return (+ 1 y49);

(define (twice48 [f50 : (Integer -> Integer)] 
                 [x51 : Integer]) : Integer
      tmp52 = (call f50 x51);
      tmp53 = (call f50 x51);
      return (+ tmp52 tmp53);

(define (main) : Integer
      tmp54 = (fun-ref twice48);
      tmp55 = (fun-ref add147);
      tmp56 = (read);
      (tail-call tmp54 tmp55 tmp56)

Select Instructions

  1. FunRef: translate to PC-relative addressing of the function label
  2. Function calls: pass arguments in registers, get result in rax, translate to callq *.
  3. Function definitions: retrieve arguments from registers
  4. Tail calls: use fake tail-jmp instruction to postpone generated code for popping the frame.


(define (add147) : Integer
      movq %rdi, y49                  ***
      movq $1, %rax
      addq y49, %rax
      jmp add147conclusion

(define (twice48) : Integer
      movq %rdi, f50                ***
      movq %rsi, x51                ***
      movq x51, %rdi            ***
      callq *f50                ***
      movq %rax, tmp52
      movq x51, %rdi            ***
      callq *f50                ***
      movq %rax, tmp53
      movq tmp52, %rax
      addq tmp53, %rax
      jmp twice48conclusion

(define (main) : Integer
      leaq (fun-ref twice48), tmp54          ***
      leaq (fun-ref add147), tmp55           ***
      callq read_int
      movq %rax, tmp56
      movq tmp55, %rdi              ***
      movq tmp56, %rsi              ***
      tail-jmp tmp54                ***

Register Allocation

An example with functions and vectors (example in book):

(define (map [f : (Integer -> Integer)] 
             [v : (Vector Integer Integer)])
             : (Vector Integer Integer)
  (vector (f (vector-ref v 0)) (f (vector-ref v 1))))
(define (add1 [x : Integer]) : Integer (+ x 1))

(vector-ref (map add1 (vector 0 41)) 1)

After instruction selection:

(define (map47) : Integer
      movq %r15, %rdi
      movq $24, %rsi
      callq collect
      jmp block73

      movq $0, _57
      jmp block73

      movq free_ptr(%rip), %r11
      addq $24, free_ptr(%rip)
      movq $5, 0(%r11)
      movq %r11, alloc52
      movq alloc52, %r11
      movq vecinit53, 8(%r11)
      movq $0, _56
      movq alloc52, %r11
      movq vecinit54, 16(%r11)
      movq $0, _55
      movq alloc52, %rax
      jmp map47conclusion

      movq %rdi, f49
      movq %rsi, v50
      movq v50, %r11
      movq 8(%r11), tmp62
      movq tmp62, %rdi
      callq *f49
      movq %rax, vecinit53
      movq v50, %r11
      movq 16(%r11), tmp63
      movq tmp63, %rdi
      callq *f49
      movq %rax, vecinit54
      movq free_ptr(%rip), tmp64
      movq tmp64, tmp65
      addq $24, tmp65
      movq fromspace_end(%rip), tmp66
      cmpq tmp66, tmp65
      jl block74
      jmp block75


(define (add48) : Integer
      movq %rdi, x51
      movq x51, %rax
      addq $1, %rax
      jmp add48conclusion

(define (main) : Integer
      movq %r15, %rdi
      movq $24, %rsi
      callq collect
      jmp block76

      movq $0, _61
      jmp block76

      movq free_ptr(%rip), %r11
      addq $24, free_ptr(%rip)
      movq $5, 0(%r11)
      movq %r11, alloc58
      movq alloc58, %r11
      movq $0, 8(%r11)
      movq $0, _60
      movq alloc58, %r11
      movq $41, 16(%r11)
      movq $0, _59
      movq tmp68, %rdi
      movq alloc58, %rsi
      callq *tmp67
      movq %rax, tmp72
      movq tmp72, %r11
      movq 16(%r11), %rax
      jmp mainconclusion

      leaq (fun-ref map47), tmp67
      leaq (fun-ref add48), tmp68
      movq free_ptr(%rip), tmp69
      movq tmp69, tmp70
      addq $24, tmp70
      movq fromspace_end(%rip), tmp71
      cmpq tmp71, tmp70
      jl block77
      jmp block78

After register allocation:

(define (map47) : Integer
      movq %rdi, %r12
      movq %rsi, -8(%r15)            *****
      movq -8(%r15), %r11
      movq 8(%r11), %rdi
      movq %rdi, %rdi
      callq *%r12
      movq %rax, %rbx
      movq -8(%r15), %r11
      movq 16(%r11), %rdi
      movq %rdi, %rdi
      callq *%r12
      movq %rax, %r12
      movq free_ptr(%rip), %rcx
      movq %rcx, %rcx
      addq $24, %rcx
      movq fromspace_end(%rip), %rdx
      cmpq %rdx, %rcx
      jl block74
      jmp block75

      movq %r15, %rdi
      movq $24, %rsi
      callq collect
      jmp block73

      movq $0, %rcx
      jmp block73

      movq free_ptr(%rip), %r11
      addq $24, free_ptr(%rip)
      movq $5, 0(%r11)
      movq %r11, %rcx
      movq %rcx, %r11
      movq %rbx, 8(%r11)
      movq $0, %rdx
      movq %rcx, %r11
      movq %r12, 16(%r11)
      movq $0, %rdx
      movq %rcx, %rax
      jmp map47conclusion

(define (add48) : Integer
      movq %rdi, %rdi
      movq %rdi, %rax
      addq $1, %rax
      jmp add48conclusion

(define (main) : Integer
      movq %r15, %rdi
      movq $24, %rsi
      callq collect
      jmp block76

      movq $0, %rcx
      jmp block76

      movq free_ptr(%rip), %r11
      addq $24, free_ptr(%rip)
      movq $5, 0(%r11)
      movq %r11, %rsi
      movq %rsi, %r11
      movq $0, 8(%r11)
      movq $0, %rcx
      movq %rsi, %r11
      movq $41, 16(%r11)
      movq $0, %rcx
      movq %r12, %rdi
      movq %rsi, %rsi
      callq *%rbx
      movq %rax, %rcx
      movq %rcx, %r11
      movq 16(%r11), %rax
      jmp mainconclusion

      leaq (fun-ref map47), %rbx
      leaq (fun-ref add48), %r12
      movq free_ptr(%rip), %rcx
      movq %rcx, %rcx
      addq $24, %rcx
      movq fromspace_end(%rip), %rdx
      cmpq %rdx, %rcx
      jl block77
      jmp block78