
Web page for IU Compiler Course for Fall 2020

View the Project on GitHub IUCompilerCourse/IU-P423-P523-E313-E513-Fall-2020

Compiling Assignment and Begin

Example program:

(let ([sum 0])
  (let ([i 5])
      (while (> i 0)
          (set! sum (+ sum i))
          (set! i (- i 1))))

An example that involves lambda:

(let ([x 0])
  (let ([y 0])
    (let ([z 20])
      (let ([f (lambda: ([a : Integer]) : Integer (+ a (+ x z)))])
          (set! x 10)
          (set! y 12)
          (f y))))))

Yet another example:

(define (f [x : Integer]) : (Vector ( -> Integer) ( -> Void))
   (lambda: () : Integer x)
   (lambda: () : Void (set! x (+ 1 x)))))

(let ([counter (f 0)])
  (let ([get (vector-ref counter 0)])
    (let ([inc (vector-ref counter 1)])

Convert Assignments

To extend the lifetime of variables, we can “box” them, that is, put them on the heap.

If a variable is never on the LHS of a set!, then there is no need to box it. We can copy its value into a closure to extend its life.

If a variable is not free in any lambda, then there is also no need to box it, even if it is assigned-to. We can translate set! into assignment in C7.

So for this example, we box x but not y, z, and a.

(let ([x 0])
  (let ([y 0])
    (let ([z 20])
      (let ([f (lambda: ([a : Integer]) : Integer (+ a (+ x z)))])
          (set! x 10)
          (set! y 12)
          (f y))))))


(define (main) : Integer
  (let ([x0 (vector 0)])
    (let ([y1 0])
      (let ([z2 20])
        (let ([f4 (lambda: ([a3 : Integer]) : Integer
                      (+ a3 (+ (vector-ref x0 0) z2)))])
            (vector-set! x0 0 10)
            (set! y1 12)
            (f4 y1)))))))

To determine which variables to box, create a auxiliary function assigned&free that returns the set of variables that are assigned-to, the set of variables that are free-in-a-lambda, and an updated expression in which the bound variables that are both assigned-to and free-in-a-lambda have been marked with the AssignedFree AST node.

Recipe for boxing a variable:

  1. initialize the variable with a one-element vector containing the original initializer.

     (Let (AssignedFree x) e body)
     (Let x (Prim 'vector (list e')) body')
  2. change uses of the variable to vector-ref.

     (Var x)
     (Prim 'vector-ref (list (Var x) (Int 0)))
  3. change set! with the variable on the LHS to a vector-set!.

     (SetBang x e)
     (Prim 'vector-set! (list (Var x) (Int 0) e'))

Remove Complex Operands

The while, set!, and begin expressions are all complex, so they should be let-bound to temporary variables. Their subexpressions are allowed to be complex.

(let ([x0 10])
  (let ([y1 0])
    (+ (+ (begin (set! y1 (read)) x0)
           (begin (set! x0 (read)) y1))
(let ([x0 10])
  (let ([y1 0])
    (let ([tmp1 (begin (set! y1 (read)) x0)])         ;; GOOD!
      (let ([tmp2 (begin (set! x0 (read)) y1)])
        (+ (+ tmp1 tmp2)


(let ([x0 10])
  (let ([y1 0])
      (set! y1 (read))      ;;; WRONG!
      (set! x0 (read))
      (+ (+ x0 y1) x0))))

(rco-atom (Begin es body))
(values (Var tmp) 
        (tmp . (Begin es^ body^)))

es^ = (map rco-exp es)
body^ = (rco-exp body)

Explicate Control

To handle begin, we need a new auxiliary function: explicate-effect. It takes an expression and a continuation block and produces a block that performs the effects in the expression followed by the block.


(explicate-effect (Int n) cont)


(explicate-effect (SetBang x e) cont)
(explicate-assign x e cont)


(explicate-effect (Begin es body) cont)


body' = (explicate-effect body cont)

and es' is the reslult of applying explicate-effect to each expression in es, back-to-front, using body' as the initial continuation. (Hint: use for/foldr.)

(explicate-tail (Begin es body))
body^ = (explicate-tail body)
(for/foldr ([cont body^]) ([e es])
   (explicate-effect e cont))


(explicate-effect (Call e es) cont)
(Seq (Call e es) (force cont))

There are three new kinds of statements in C7:

  1. Call
  2. read
  3. vector-set!

Plus (and other primitives besides read and vector-set!)

(explicate-effect (Prim '+ args) cont)

Select Instructions

Add cases for the three new statements: Call, read, and vector-set! by adapting the code generation for those forms in assignment position.

Register Allocation

Use dataflow analysis in uncover-live.