
Course web page for Fall 2021.

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Loops and Dataflow Analysis



exp ::= ... | (while exp exp) | (set! var exp) | (begin exp ... exp)


stmt ::= ... | while exp: stmt^+



(let ([sum 0])
  (let ([i 5])
	  (while (> i 0)
		  (set! sum (+ sum i))
		  (set! i (- i 1))))


sum = 0
i = 5
while i > 0:
	sum = sum + i
	i = i - 1

Type Checking

See type-check-Rwhile.rkt.

See type_check_Lwhile.py.


See interp-Rwhile.rkt.

See interp_Lwhile.py.

Control-flow Cycles and Dataflow Analysis

The above example, after instruction selection:

   movq $0, sum
   movq $5, i
   jmp block5
   movq i, tmp3
   cmpq tmp3, $0
   jl block7
   jmp block8
   addq i, sum
   movq $1, tmp4
   negq tmp4
   addq tmp4, i
   jmp block5
   movq $27, %rax
   addq sum, %rax
   jmp mainconclusion

Control-flow graph:

|  ^  \_____
V  |        \
block7      block8 --> mainconclusion

For liveness analysis, we can no longer topologically sort the CFG.


  1. If we start processing a block using an empty live-after set, we obtain an under-approximation of it’s live-before set. That is, the elements of the set will be correct ones, we just might be missing some.

  2. If we iteratively process all the blocks, we’ll eventually come to a situation where their live-before sets don’t change. That’s called a fixed point. The Kleene Fixed-Point Theorem tells us that the fixed point is correct in the sense that the live after sets are no longer missing any elements.

  3. While iterating, we don’t have to recompute the live-before set of a block if the live-before set of its successors didn’t change on the previous iteration.

Example dataflow analysis to determine live-before sets

Start with empty live-before sets

mainstart: {}
block5: {}
block7: {}
block8: {}

Perform liveness analysis on every block:

mainstart: {}
block5: {i}
block7: {i, sum}
block8: {rsp, sum}

We see changes in blocks 5, 7, and 8, so we again perform the analysis on the blocks that depend on them wrt. liveness (i.e. in-edges), which is start, 5, 7, and 8.

mainstart: {}
block5: {i, rsp, sum}
block7: {i, sum}
block8: {rsp, sum}

We see changes only in block5, so we recompute the live-before for mainstart and block7.

mainstart: {rsp}
block5: {i, rsp, sum}
block7: {i, rsp, sum}
block8: {rsp, sum}

We see changes in block7 and mainstart, so we recompute block5, but it doesn’t change. So the above is the fixed point.

Some Lattice Theory

A lattice is a set of elements with a partial ordering, written x ⊑ y, a bottom element ⊥, and a join operator x ⊔ y.

The lattice abstraction is often used in situations where the elements represent differing amounts of information and the partial ordering x ⊑ y means that element y has more (or equal) information than x.

The bottom element ⊥ represents a total lack of information.

The join operator corresponds to combining the information present in the two elements.

An element x is an upper bound of a set S if for every element y in S, y ⊑ x.

An element x is a least upper bound of a set S if x is less-or-equal to any other upper bound of S.

Dataflow Analysis

Dataflow analysis is a generic framework for analyzing programs with cycles in their control flow.

A dataflow analysis involves two lattices.

  1. A lattice to represent abstract states of the program.

  2. A lattice that aggregates the states of all the blocks in the control-flow graph.

and a function F over the second lattice that expresses how the program transforms the abstract states.

The goal of the analysis is to compute a solution element x such that

 F(x) = x

A fixed point of a function F is an element x such that F(x) = x.

Example: (liveness analysis)

The lattice for abstract states:

The lattice for the whole CFG: