
Course web page for Fall 2021.

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Lecture: Explicate, Select, Assign, Patch, Prelude & Conclusion

L_Var                                   L_Var
|    uniquify                           |    remove complex operands
V                                       V
L_Var                                   L_Var
|    remove complex operands            |    select instructions
V                                       V
L_Var                                   x86_Var
|    explicate control                  |    assign homes
V                                       V
C_Var                                   x86*
|    select instructions                |    patch instructions
V                                       V
x86_Var                                 x86*
|    assign homes                       |    prelude & conclusion
V                                       V
x86*                                    x86
|    patch instructions
|    prelude & conclusion

Explicate Control (Racket only)

This pass makes the order of evaluation simple and explicit in the syntax. For now, this means flattening let into a sequence of assignment statements.

The target of this pass is the C_Var language. Here is the grammar for C_Var.

atm ::= int | var
exp ::= atm | (read) | (- atm) | (+ atm atm)
stmt ::= var = exp; 
tail ::= return exp; | stmt tail 
C_Var ::= (label: tail)^+


(let ([x (let ([y (- 42)])
  (- x))
    y = (- 42);
    x = y;
    return (- x);

Aside regarding tail position. Here is the grammar for L^ANF_Var again but splitting the exp non-terminal into two, one for tail position and one for not-tail nt position.

atm ::= var | int
nt ::= atm | (read) | (- atm) | (+ atm atm) 
   | (let ([var nt]) nt)
tail ::= atm | (read) | (- atm) | (+ atm atm) 
     | (let ([var nt]) tail)
L^ANF_Var' ::= tail

Recommended function organization:

explicate-tail : exp -> tail

explicate-assign : exp -> var -> tail -> tail

The explicate-tail function takes and L^ANF_Var expression in tail position and returns a C_Var tail.

The explicate-assign function takes 1) an R1 expression that is not in tail position, that is, the right-hand side of a let, 2) the let-bound variable, and 3) the C0 tail for the body of the let. The output of explicate-assign is a C0 tail.

Here’s a trace of these two functions on the above example.

explicate-tail (let ([x (let ([y (- 42)]) y)]) (- x))
  explicate-tail (- x)
    => {return (- x);}
  explicate-assign (let ([y (- 42)]) y) x {return (- x);}
    explicate-assign y x {return (- x);}
      => {x = y; return (- x)}
    explicate-assign (- 42) y {x = y; return (- x);}
      => {y = (- 42); x = y; return (- x);}
    => {y = (- 42); x = y; return (- x);}
  => {y = (- 42); x = y; return (- x);}

Select Instructions

Translate statements into x86-style instructions.

For example

x = (+ 10 32);
movq $10, x
addq $32, x

Some cases can be handled with a single instruction.

x = (+ 10 x);
addq $10, x

The read operation must be turned into a call to the read_int function in runtime.c.

x = (read);                   x = input_int()
callq read_int
movq %rax, x

The return statement is treated like an assignment to rax followed by a jump to the conclusion label.

return e;
jmp conclusion


rax = e;

The Stack and Procedure Call Frames

The stack is a conceptually sequence of frames, one for each procedure call. The stack grows down.

The base pointer rbp is used for indexing into the frame.

The stack poitner rsp points to the top of the stack.

Position Contents
8(%rbp) return address
0(%rbp) old rbp
-8(%rbp) variable 1
-16(%rbp) variable 2
-24(%rbp) variable 3
0(%rsp) variable n

Assign Homes

Replace variables with stack locations.

Consider the program (+ 52 (- 10)).

Suppose we have two variables in the pseudo-x86, tmp.1 and tmp.2. We places them in the -16 and -8 offsets from the base pointer rbp using the deref form.

movq $10, tmp.1
negq tmp.1
movq tmp.1, tmp.2
addq $52, tmp.2
movq tmp.2, %rax
movq $10, -16(%rbp)
negq -16(%rbp)
movq -16(%rbp), -8(%rbp)
addq $52, -8(%rbp)
movq -8(%rbp), %rax

Patch Instructions

Continuing the above example, we need to ensure that each instruction follows the rules of x86.

For example, the move from stack location -16 to -8 uses two memory locations in the same instruction. So we split it up into two instructions and use rax to hold the value at location -16.

movq $10 -16(%rbp)
negq -16(%rbp)
movq -16(%rbp) -8(%rbp) *
addq $52 -8(%rbp)
movq -8(%rbp) %rax
movq $10 -16(%rbp)
negq -16(%rbp)
movq -16(%rbp), %rax *
movq %rax, -8(%rbp)  *
addq $52, -8(%rbp)
movq -8(%rbp), %rax

Prelude and Conclusion

We generate a prelude and conclusion for the main procedure.

The prelude

  1. saves the old base pointer,
  2. moves the base pointer to the top of the stack,
  3. moves the stack pointer down passed all the local variables, and
  4. jumps to the start label.

The conclusion

  1. moves the stack pointer up passed all the local variables,
  2. pops the old base pointer, and
  3. returns from the main function via retq .

Continuing the above example

    .globl _main
    pushq   %rbp
    movq    %rsp, %rbp
    subq    $16, %rsp
    jmp start

    movq    $10, -16(%rbp)
    negq    -16(%rbp)
    movq    -16(%rbp), %rax
    movq    %rax, -8(%rbp)
    addq    $52, -8(%rbp)
    movq    -8(%rbp), %rax
    jmp     conclusion
    addq    $16, %rsp
    popq    %rbp