
Course web page for Fall 2021.

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Compiling Functions

The Lfun Language

Concrete Syntax for Racket:

type ::= ... | (type... -> type)
exp ::= ... | (exp exp...)
def ::= (define (var [var : type]...) : type exp)
Lfun ::= def... exp

Concrete Syntax for Python:

type ::= ... | Callable[[type, ...], type]
exp ::= ... | exp(exp, ...)
def ::= def var(var : type,...) -> type: stmt ...
Lfun ::= def... stmt...

Abstract Syntax for Racket:

exp ::= ... | (Apply exp exp...)
def ::= (Def var ([var : type] ...) type '() exp)
Lfun ::= (ProgramDefsExp '() (def ...) exp)

Abstract Syntax for Python:

type ::= ... | FunctionType(type*, type)
exp ::= ... | Call(exp, exp*)
def ::= FunctionDef(var, [(var, type) ,...], type, stmt*)
Lfun ::= Module([def... stmt...])

Example program in Racket:

(define (map [f : (Integer -> Integer)]
             [v : (Vector Integer Integer)]) : (Vector Integer Integer)
   (vector (f (vector-ref v 0)) (f (vector-ref v 1))))
(define (add1 [x : Integer]) : Integer
   (+ x 1))
(vector-ref (map add1 (vector 0 41)) 1)

Example program in Python:

def map(f : Callable[[int], int], v : tuple[int,int]) -> tuple[int,int]:
	return f(v[0]), f(v[1])

def inc(x : int) -> int:
	return x + 1

print( map(inc, (0, 41))[1] )

Go over the interpreter (Fig. 6.4)

Go over the type checker.

Functions in x86

Labels can be used to mark the beginning of a function

The address of a label can be obtained using the leaq instruction and PC-relative addressing:

leaq add1(%rip), %rbx

Calling a function whose address is in a register, i.e., indirect function call.

callq *%rbx