
Course web page for Fall 2021.

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Compiling Functions, Continued

Example of a tail call

source program

  def sum(x:int,s:int)-> int :
	if x == 0:
	  return s
	  return sum(x - 1, x + s)

  print(sum(3, 0) + 36)


  def sum(x:<class 'int'>,s:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	if x == 0:
	  return s
	  return sum(x - 1, x + s)

  def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	print(sum(3, 0) + 36)
	return 0

reveal functions

  def sum(x:<class 'int'>,s:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	if x == 0:
	  return s
	  return sum(%rip)(x - 1, x + s)

  def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	print(sum(%rip)(3, 0) + 36)
	return 0

limit functions

  def sum(x:<class 'int'>,s:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	if x == 0:
	  return s
	  return sum(%rip)(x - 1, x + s)
  def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	print(sum(%rip)(3, 0) + 36)
	return 0

expose allocation

  def sum(x:<class 'int'>,s:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	if x == 0:
	  return s
	  return sum(%rip)(x - 1, x + s)
  def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	print(sum(%rip)(3, 0) + 36)
	return 0

remove complex operands

  def sum(x:<class 'int'>,s:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	if x == 0:
	  return s
	  fun.0 = sum(%rip)
	  tmp.1 = x - 1
	  tmp.2 = x + s
	  return fun.0(tmp.1, tmp.2)

  def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	fun.3 = sum(%rip)
	tmp.4 = fun.3(3, 0)
	tmp.5 = tmp.4 + 36
	return 0

explicate control

def sum(x:<class 'int'>,s:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	return s
	fun.0 = sum(%rip)
	tmp.1 = x - 1
	tmp.2 = x + s

	if x == 0:
	  goto _block.7
	  goto _block.8

def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	fun.3 = sum(%rip)
	tmp.4 = fun.3(3, 0)
	tmp.5 = tmp.4 + 36
	return 0

select instructions

def _sum()-> <class 'int'> :
	movq s, %rax
	jmp _sumconclusion
	leaq _sum(%rip), fun.0
	movq x, tmp.1
	subq $1, tmp.1
	movq x, tmp.2
	addq s, tmp.2
	movq tmp.1, %rdi
	movq tmp.2, %rsi
	tailjmp fun.0
	movq %rdi, x
	movq %rsi, s
	cmpq $0, x
	je _block.7
	jmp _block.8

def _main()-> <class 'int'> :
	leaq _sum(%rip), fun.3
	movq $3, %rdi
	movq $0, %rsi
	callq *fun.3
	movq %rax, tmp.4
	movq tmp.4, tmp.5
	addq $36, tmp.5
	movq tmp.5, %rdi
	callq _print_int
	movq $0, %rax
	jmp _mainconclusion

register allocation

def _sum(x:<class 'int'>,s:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	movq %rsi, %rax
	jmp _sumconclusion
	leaq _sum(%rip), %rdx
	movq %rcx, %rdi
	subq $1, %rdi
	movq %rcx, %rcx
	addq %rsi, %rcx
	movq %rdi, %rdi
	movq %rcx, %rsi
	tailjmp %rdx
	movq %rdi, %rcx
	movq %rsi, %rsi
	cmpq $0, %rcx
	je _block.7
	jmp _block.8

def _main()-> <class 'int'> :
	leaq _sum(%rip), %rcx
	movq $3, %rdi
	movq $0, %rsi
	callq *%rcx
	movq %rax, %rcx
	movq %rcx, %rcx
	addq $36, %rcx
	movq %rcx, %rdi
	callq _print_int
	movq $0, %rax
	jmp _mainconclusion

patch instructions

def _sum(x:<class 'int'>,s:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	movq %rsi, %rax
	jmp _sumconclusion
	leaq _sum(%rip), %rdx
	movq %rcx, %rdi
	subq $1, %rdi
	addq %rsi, %rcx
	movq %rcx, %rsi
	movq %rdx, %rax
	tailjmp %rax
	movq %rdi, %rcx
	cmpq $0, %rcx
	je _block.7
	jmp _block.8

def _main()-> <class 'int'> :
	leaq _sum(%rip), %rcx
	movq $3, %rdi
	movq $0, %rsi
	callq *%rcx
	movq %rax, %rcx
	addq $36, %rcx
	movq %rcx, %rdi
	callq _print_int
	movq $0, %rax
	jmp _mainconclusion

prelude and conclusion

	.align 16

	.align 16
  movq %rsi, %rax
  jmp _sumconclusion

	.align 16
  leaq _sum(%rip), %rdx
  movq %rcx, %rdi
  subq $1, %rdi
  addq %rsi, %rcx
  movq %rcx, %rsi
  movq %rdx, %rax
  subq $0, %r15
  addq $0, %rsp
  popq %rbp
  jmp *%rax

	.align 16
  movq %rdi, %rcx
  cmpq $0, %rcx
  je _block.7
  jmp _block.8

	.align 16
  pushq %rbp
  movq %rsp, %rbp
  subq $0, %rsp
  jmp _sumstart

	.align 16
  subq $0, %r15
  addq $0, %rsp
  popq %rbp

	.align 16
  leaq _sum(%rip), %rcx
  movq $3, %rdi
  movq $0, %rsi
  callq *%rcx
  movq %rax, %rcx
  addq $36, %rcx
  movq %rcx, %rdi
  callq _print_int
  movq $0, %rax
  jmp _mainconclusion

	.globl _main
	.align 16
  pushq %rbp
  movq %rsp, %rbp
  subq $0, %rsp
  movq $65536, %rdi
  movq $65536, %rsi
  callq _initialize
  movq _rootstack_begin(%rip), %r15
  jmp _mainstart

	.align 16
  subq $0, %r15
  addq $0, %rsp
  popq %rbp

Example of function with too many parameters

source program

  def sum(a:int,b:int,c:int,d:int,e:int,f:int,g:int,h:int)-> int :
	return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h
  print(sum(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7))


  def sum(a:<class 'int'>,b:<class 'int'>,c:<class 'int'>,d:<class 'int'>,e:<class 'int'>,f:<class 'int'>,g:<class 'int'>,h:<class 'int'>)-> <class 'int'> :
	return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h

  def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	print(sum(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7))
	return 0

reveal functions

  def sum(a:int,b:int,c:int,d:int,e:int,f:int,g:int,h:int)-> int :
	return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h

  def main()-> int :
	print(sum(%rip)(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7))
	return 0

limit functions

  def sum(a:int,b:int,c:int,d:int,e:int,tup.0:(int,int,int))-> int :
	return a + b + c + d + e + tup.0[0] + tup.0[1] + tup.0[2]
  def main()-> int :
	print(sum(%rip)(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, (5,5,7,)))
	return 0

expose allocation

  def sum(a:<class 'int'>,b:<class 'int'>,c:<class 'int'>,d:<class 'int'>,e:<class 'int'>,tup.0:(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))-> <class 'int'> :
	return a + b + c + d + e + tup.0[0] + tup.0[1] + tup.0[2]
  def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	print(sum(%rip)(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, begin:
	  if free_ptr + 32 < fromspace_end:
	  alloc.1 = allocate(3,(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))
	  alloc.1[0] = 5
	  alloc.1[1] = 5
	  alloc.1[2] = 7
	return 0

remove complex operands

  def sum(a:<class 'int'>,b:<class 'int'>,c:<class 'int'>,d:<class 'int'>,e:<class 'int'>,tup.0:(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))-> <class 'int'> :
	tmp.2 = a + b
	tmp.3 = tmp.2 + c
	tmp.4 = tmp.3 + d
	tmp.5 = tmp.4 + e
	tmp.6 = tup.0[0]
	tmp.7 = tmp.5 + tmp.6
	tmp.8 = tup.0[1]
	tmp.9 = tmp.7 + tmp.8
	tmp.10 = tup.0[2]
	return tmp.9 + tmp.10
  def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	fun.11 = sum(%rip)
	tmp.15 = begin:
	  tmp.12 = free_ptr
	  tmp.13 = tmp.12 + 32
	  tmp.14 = fromspace_end
	  if tmp.13 < tmp.14:
	  alloc.1 = allocate(3,(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))
	  alloc.1[0] = 5
	  alloc.1[1] = 5
	  alloc.1[2] = 7
	tmp.16 = fun.11(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, tmp.15)
	return 0

explicate control

def sum(a:<class 'int'>,b:<class 'int'>,c:<class 'int'>,d:<class 'int'>,e:<class 'int'>,tup.0:(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))-> <class 'int'> :
	tmp.2 = a + b
	tmp.3 = tmp.2 + c
	tmp.4 = tmp.3 + d
	tmp.5 = tmp.4 + e
	tmp.6 = tup.0[0]
	tmp.7 = tmp.5 + tmp.6
	tmp.8 = tup.0[1]
	tmp.9 = tmp.7 + tmp.8
	tmp.10 = tup.0[2]
	return tmp.9 + tmp.10

def main()-> <class 'int'> :
	alloc.1 = allocate(3,(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))
	alloc.1[0] = 5
	alloc.1[1] = 5
	alloc.1[2] = 7
	tmp.15 = alloc.1
	tmp.16 = fun.11(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, tmp.15)
	return 0
	goto _block.17
	goto _block.17
	fun.11 = sum(%rip)
	tmp.12 = free_ptr
	tmp.13 = tmp.12 + 32
	tmp.14 = fromspace_end
	if tmp.13 < tmp.14:
	  goto _block.18
	  goto _block.19

select instructions

def _sum(a:<class 'int'>,b:<class 'int'>,c:<class 'int'>,d:<class 'int'>,e:<class 'int'>,tup.0:(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))-> <class 'int'> :
	movq %rdi, a
	movq %rsi, b
	movq %rdx, c
	movq %rcx, d
	movq %r8, e
	movq %r9, tup.0
	movq a, tmp.2
	addq b, tmp.2
	movq tmp.2, tmp.3
	addq c, tmp.3
	movq tmp.3, tmp.4
	addq d, tmp.4
	movq tmp.4, tmp.5
	addq e, tmp.5
	movq tup.0, %r11
	movq 8(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, tmp.6
	movq tmp.5, tmp.7
	addq tmp.6, tmp.7
	movq tup.0, %r11
	movq 16(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, tmp.8
	movq tmp.7, tmp.9
	addq tmp.8, tmp.9
	movq tup.0, %r11
	movq 24(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, tmp.10
	movq tmp.9, %rax
	addq tmp.10, %rax
	jmp _sumconclusion

def _main()-> <class 'int'> :
	movq _free_ptr(%rip), %r11
	addq $32, _free_ptr(%rip)
	movq $7, 0(%r11)
	movq %r11, alloc.1
	movq alloc.1, %r11
	movq $5, 8(%r11)
	movq alloc.1, %r11
	movq $5, 16(%r11)
	movq alloc.1, %r11
	movq $7, 24(%r11)
	movq alloc.1, tmp.15
	movq $5, %rdi
	movq $5, %rsi
	movq $5, %rdx
	movq $5, %rcx
	movq $5, %r8
	movq tmp.15, %r9
	callq *fun.11
	movq %rax, tmp.16
	movq tmp.16, %rdi
	callq _print_int
	movq $0, %rax
	jmp _mainconclusion
	jmp _block.17
	movq %r15, %rdi
	movq $32, %rsi
	callq _collect
	jmp _block.17
	leaq _sum(%rip), fun.11
	movq _free_ptr(%rip), tmp.12
	movq tmp.12, tmp.13
	addq $32, tmp.13
	movq _fromspace_end(%rip), tmp.14
	cmpq tmp.14, tmp.13
	jl _block.18
	jmp _block.19

register allocation

def _sum(a:<class 'int'>,b:<class 'int'>,c:<class 'int'>,d:<class 'int'>,e:<class 'int'>,tup.0:(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))-> <class 'int'> :
	movq %rdi, %rdi
	movq %rsi, %rsi
	movq %rdx, %rdx
	movq %rcx, %rcx
	movq %r8, %r8
	movq %r9, %r9
	movq %rdi, %rdi
	addq %rsi, %rdi
	movq %rdi, %rsi
	addq %rdx, %rsi
	movq %rsi, %rdx
	addq %rcx, %rdx
	movq %rdx, %rcx
	addq %r8, %rcx
	movq %r9, %r11
	movq 8(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, %rdx
	movq %rcx, %rcx
	addq %rdx, %rcx
	movq %r9, %r11
	movq 16(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, %rdx
	movq %rcx, %rcx
	addq %rdx, %rcx
	movq %r9, %r11
	movq 24(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, %rdx
	movq %rcx, %rax
	addq %rdx, %rax
	jmp _sumconclusion

def _main()-> <class 'int'> :
	movq _free_ptr(%rip), %r11
	addq $32, _free_ptr(%rip)
	movq $7, 0(%r11)
	movq %r11, %rcx
	movq %rcx, %r11
	movq $5, 8(%r11)
	movq %rcx, %r11
	movq $5, 16(%r11)
	movq %rcx, %r11
	movq $7, 24(%r11)
	movq %rcx, %r9
	movq $5, %rdi
	movq $5, %rsi
	movq $5, %rdx
	movq $5, %rcx
	movq $5, %r8
	movq %r9, %r9
	callq *%rbx
	movq %rax, %rcx
	movq %rcx, %rdi
	callq _print_int
	movq $0, %rax
	jmp _mainconclusion
	jmp _block.17
	movq %r15, %rdi
	movq $32, %rsi
	callq _collect
	jmp _block.17
	leaq _sum(%rip), %rbx
	movq _free_ptr(%rip), %rcx
	movq %rcx, %rdx
	addq $32, %rdx
	movq _fromspace_end(%rip), %rcx
	cmpq %rcx, %rdx
	jl _block.18
	jmp _block.19

patch instructions

def _sum(a:<class 'int'>,b:<class 'int'>,c:<class 'int'>,d:<class 'int'>,e:<class 'int'>,tup.0:(<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>,<class 'int'>))-> <class 'int'> :
	addq %rsi, %rdi
	movq %rdi, %rsi
	addq %rdx, %rsi
	movq %rsi, %rdx
	addq %rcx, %rdx
	movq %rdx, %rcx
	addq %r8, %rcx
	movq %r9, %r11
	movq 8(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, %rdx
	addq %rdx, %rcx
	movq %r9, %r11
	movq 16(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, %rdx
	addq %rdx, %rcx
	movq %r9, %r11
	movq 24(%r11), %r11
	movq %r11, %rdx
	movq %rcx, %rax
	addq %rdx, %rax
	jmp _sumconclusion

def _main()-> <class 'int'> :
	movq _free_ptr(%rip), %r11
	addq $32, _free_ptr(%rip)
	movq $7, 0(%r11)
	movq %r11, %rcx
	movq %rcx, %r11
	movq $5, 8(%r11)
	movq %rcx, %r11
	movq $5, 16(%r11)
	movq %rcx, %r11
	movq $7, 24(%r11)
	movq %rcx, %r9
	movq $5, %rdi
	movq $5, %rsi
	movq $5, %rdx
	movq $5, %rcx
	movq $5, %r8
	callq *%rbx
	movq %rax, %rcx
	movq %rcx, %rdi
	callq _print_int
	movq $0, %rax
	jmp _mainconclusion
	jmp _block.17
	movq %r15, %rdi
	movq $32, %rsi
	callq _collect
	jmp _block.17
	leaq _sum(%rip), %rbx
	movq _free_ptr(%rip), %rcx
	movq %rcx, %rdx
	addq $32, %rdx
	movq _fromspace_end(%rip), %rcx
	cmpq %rcx, %rdx
	jl _block.18
	jmp _block.19

prelude and conclusion

	.align 16
  addq %rsi, %rdi
  movq %rdi, %rsi
  addq %rdx, %rsi
  movq %rsi, %rdx
  addq %rcx, %rdx
  movq %rdx, %rcx
  addq %r8, %rcx
  movq %r9, %r11
  movq 8(%r11), %r11
  movq %r11, %rdx
  addq %rdx, %rcx
  movq %r9, %r11
  movq 16(%r11), %r11
  movq %r11, %rdx
  addq %rdx, %rcx
  movq %r9, %r11
  movq 24(%r11), %r11
  movq %r11, %rdx
  movq %rcx, %rax
  addq %rdx, %rax
  jmp _sumconclusion

	.align 16
  pushq %rbp
  movq %rsp, %rbp
  subq $0, %rsp
  jmp _sumstart

	.align 16
  subq $0, %r15
  addq $0, %rsp
  popq %rbp

	.align 16
  movq _free_ptr(%rip), %r11
  addq $32, _free_ptr(%rip)
  movq $7, 0(%r11)
  movq %r11, %rcx
  movq %rcx, %r11
  movq $5, 8(%r11)
  movq %rcx, %r11
  movq $5, 16(%r11)
  movq %rcx, %r11
  movq $7, 24(%r11)
  movq %rcx, %r9
  movq $5, %rdi
  movq $5, %rsi
  movq $5, %rdx
  movq $5, %rcx
  movq $5, %r8
  callq *%rbx
  movq %rax, %rcx
  movq %rcx, %rdi
  callq _print_int
  movq $0, %rax
  jmp _mainconclusion

	.align 16
  jmp _block.17

	.align 16
  movq %r15, %rdi
  movq $32, %rsi
  callq _collect
  jmp _block.17

	.align 16
  leaq _sum(%rip), %rbx
  movq _free_ptr(%rip), %rcx
  movq %rcx, %rdx
  addq $32, %rdx
  movq _fromspace_end(%rip), %rcx
  cmpq %rcx, %rdx
  jl _block.18
  jmp _block.19

	.globl _main
	.align 16
  pushq %rbp
  movq %rsp, %rbp
  pushq %rbx
  subq $8, %rsp
  movq $65536, %rdi
  movq $65536, %rsi
  callq _initialize
  movq _rootstack_begin(%rip), %r15
  jmp _mainstart

	.align 16
  subq $0, %r15
  addq $8, %rsp
  popq %rbx
  popq %rbp