
Course web page for Fall 2021.

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Lecture: Dynamic Typing

We’ll implement a dynamically-typed language Ldyn, a subset of Racket/Python.

Example Ldyn program

(not (if (eq? (read) 1) #f 0))

not (False if input_int() == 1 else 0)

We’ll implement the compiler for Ldyn in two stages.

  1. Extend our typed language with a new type Any that is equiped with the operations inject and project that convert a value of any other type to Any and back again. This language is Lany.

     (let ([x (inject (Int 42) Integer)])
       (project x Integer))                 ;; result is 42
     (let ([x (inject (Bool #t) Boolean)])
       (project x Integer))                 ;; error!
  2. Create a new pass (at the beginning) that translates from Ldyn to Lany that uses Any as the type for just about everying and that inserts inject and project in lots of places.

The Lany Language

type ::= ... | Any
ftype ::= Integer | Boolean | (Vector Any ...) | (Vectorof Any)
      | (Any ... -> Any)
exp ::= ... | (inject exp ftype) | (project exp ftype) |
      | (boolean? exp) | (integer? exp) | (vector? exp)
      | (procedure? exp) | (void? exp)

The Vectorof type is for homogeneous vectors of arbitrary length. That is, their elements are all of the same type and the length is determined at runtime.

Another example:

(let ([v (inject (vector (inject 42 Integer)) 
                 (Vector Any))])
   (let ([w (project v (Vector Any))])
      (let ([x (vector-ref w 0)])
         (project x Integer))))

Compiling Lany

The runtime representation of a value of type Any is a 64 bit value whose 3 least-significant bits (right-most) encode the runtime type, which we call a tag.

tagof(Integer)        = 001
tagof(Boolean)        = 100
tagof((Vector ...))   = 010
tagof((Vectorof ...)) = 010
tagof((... -> ...))   = 011
tagof(Void)           = 101

If the value is an integer or Boolean, then the other 61 bits store that value. (Shifted by 3.)

If the value is a vector or function, then the 64 bits is an address. All our values are 8-byte aligned, so we don’t need the bottom 3 bits. To obtain the address from an Any value, just write 000 to the rightmost 3 bits.


Check Bounds (missing from book)

Adapt type-check-Lany by changing the cases for vector-ref and vector-set! when the vector argument has type Vectorof T.

(vector-ref e1 e2)
(let ([v e1'])
  (let ([i e2'])
    (if (< i (vector-length v))
        (vector-ref v i)

(vector-set! e1 e2 e3)
(let ([v e1'])
  (let ([i e2'])
    (if (< i (vector-length v))
        (vector-set! v i e3')

Reveal Functions

Old way:

(Var f)
(FunRef f)

To support procedure-arity, we’ll need to record the arity of a function in FunRefArity.

(Var f)
(FunRefArity f n)

Which means when processing the ProgramDefs form, we need to build an alist mapping function names to their arity.

Closure Convertion

To support procedure-arity, we use a special purpose Closure form instead of the primitive vector, both in the case for Lambda and FunRefArity.

Expose Allocation

Add a case for Closure that is similar to the one for vector except that it uses AllocateClosure instead of Allocate, so that it can pass along the arity.

Remove Complex Operands

Add case for AllocateClosure.

Explicate Control

Add case for AllocateClosure.

Instruction Selection

Compiling Lany, Instruction Selection, continued

Vectorof, vector-ref, and vector-set!

The type checker for Lany treats vector operations differently if the vector is of type (Vectorof T). The index can be an arbitrary expression, e.g. suppose vec has type (Vectorof T). Then the index could be (read)

;; vec1 : (Vector Any Any)
(let ([vec1 (vector (inject 1 Integer) (inject 2 Integer))])
  (let ([vec2 (inject vec1 (Vector Any Any))]) ;; vec2 : Any
	(let ([vec3 (project vec2 (Vectorof Any))]) ;; vec3 : (Vectorof Any)
	  (vector-ref vec3 (read)))))

and the type of (vector-ref vec (read)) is T.

Recall instruction selection for vector-ref:

(Assign lhs (Prim 'vector-ref (list evec (Int n))))
movq evec', %r11
movq offset(%r11), lhs'

where offset is 8(n+1)

If the index is not of the form (Int i), but an arbitrary expression, then instead of computing the offset 8(n+1) at compile time, you can generate the following instructions. Note the use of the new instruction imulq.

(Assign lhs (Prim 'vector-ref (list evec en)))
movq en', %r11
addq $1, %r11
imulq $8, %r11
addq evec', %r11
movq 0(%r11) lhs'

The same idea applies to vector-set!.

The Ldyn Language: Mini Racket (Dynamically Typed)

exp ::= int | (read) | ... | (lambda (var ...) exp)
      | (vector-ref exp exp) | (vector-set! exp exp exp)
def ::= (define (var var ...) exp)
Ldyn ::= def... exp

Compiling Ldyn to Lany by cast insertion

The main invariant is that every subexpression that we generate should have type Any, which we accomplish by using inject.

To perform an operation on a value of type Any, we project it to the appropriate type for the operation.

Example: Ldyn:

(+ #t 42)


   (+ (project (inject #t Boolean) Integer)
      (project (inject 42 Integer) Integer))
x86 code


(inject #t Boolean)


(inject 42 Integer)


(+ e_1 e_2)
   (+ (project e'_1 Integer)
      (project e'_2 Integer))




(lambda (x_1 ... x_n) e)
(inject (lambda: ([x_1 : Any] ... [x_n : Any]) : Any e')
    (Any ... Any -> Any))


(lambda (x y) (+ x y))
(inject (lambda: ([x : Any] [y : Any]) : Any
  (inject (+ (project x Integer) (project y Integer)) Integer))
  (Any Any -> Any))


(e_0 e_1 ... e_n)
((project e'_0 (Any ... Any -> Any)) e'_1 ... e'_n)

Vector Reference:

(vector-ref e_1 e_2)
(vector-ref (project e'_1 (Vectorof Any)) 
            (project e'_2 Integer))


(vector e1 ... en)
   (vector e1' ... en')
   (Vector Any .... Any))

Ldyn: (vector 1 #t) heterogeneous

(inject (vector (inject 1 Integer) (inject #t Boolean)) 
   (Vector Any Any)) : Any

Lany: (Vector Int Bool) heterogeneous (Vectorof Int) homogeneous

actually see:

(Vector Any Any)
(Vectorof Any)